Written on 06 Sep 2021 by Rachel Cooke
Today, Monday the 6th of September, marks the first day of National Payroll Week 2021. The annual week-long event celebrates the payroll industry and all of the professionals…
Written on 24 Aug 2021 by Paul Chappell
Every month HMRC releases a bulletin with important updates and information for employers across all sectors. The in-depth document covers each topic in detail, and it can be…
Written on 23 Aug 2021 by Paul Chappell
The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has played a vital role in preserving jobs and supporting employers throughout the various UK lockdowns. Still, with seemingly no more…
Written on 19 Aug 2021 by Rachel Cooke
At Dataplan we believe in investing in our people to grow our own experts and payroll heroes. This is the goal behind our comprehensive training structure, and programmes like…
Written on 18 Aug 2021 by Rachel Cooke
2021 has been an exciting time for us at Dataplan with lots of new starters joining the team, all bringing their own expertise and skillsets to our team of Payroll Heroes. Our…
Written on 03 Aug 2021 by Lucy Brewitt
Whilst it might seem like a simple process on the surface, there is a fine art to successful pension’s delivery. Of course when things are running smoothly it is easy to overlook…
Written on 30 Jul 2021 by Liam Ridgill
Love them or hate them, smartphones are a huge part of modern life, and it seems that they are here to stay. Did you know that in 2019 the number of smartphone users in the…
Written on 30 Jun 2021 by Rachel Cooke
In 2021 we are proud to have been accredited as a Living Wage employer. At Dataplan we believe that for our people to be their very best they have to be given an environment to…
Written on 14 Jun 2021 by Dataplan
A contact reached out to me last week and said “I really need your help. Do you know, just when you think everything is going well in life everything seems to go wrong at the…
Written on 12 May 2021 by Rachel Cooke
The 10th to 16th May is Mental Health Awareness Week, and for many people the last year will likely have been one of the most trying times of their lives. The ongoing Coronavirus…