Outsource your payroll to us so you can focus on front-line delivery
With the consolidation of many GP practices into larger medical centres, there is increasing pressure on Practice Managers to run their operations more commercially. At the same time, the move towards larger practices and centres adds complexity to areas such as payroll.
One important commercial decision is what areas to be outsourced. Payroll outsourcing is simple, well established and cost effective for GP Practices and Medical Centres.
The pace of change has meant that surgeries are having to adapt and look to external expertise. Many Practice Managers may now have come from a non-NHS background, which can have implications in a lack of experience with NHS specific payroll and pension idiosyncrasies. Some of the rules around payroll are specific to General Practice and although there are many similarities with other Local Government Rules, there are some specific differences and, if approached in the wrong way, can have negative impact on employees pay and pension.
Outsourcing such complex payroll, to people with this specific expertise, takes away one area of stress from busy Practice Managers. Our dedicated payroll team understand the complexities of NHS payroll and NHS pension regulations, including:
Dataplan’s tailored payroll service for GP practices includes:
- Named UK Payroll contacts / teams
- Payroll management including all payments by BACS
- Auto enrolment including employee assessment as standard
- Comprehensive payroll reports including data analysis
- Employees with multiple roles
- Locums and Bank Staff
- Registrars’ pay
- Statutory pay including SSP/SMP/SPP/SAP
- Global pay uplift
- Understanding of ESR integrated HR and payroll systems
- NHS pension scheme, including salaried GPs
- Submitting starters, leavers and changes to personal data to the NHSPA
- Submission of SD55 annual returns
- If we are set up as a user on Pensions Online, we can administer all of the pension scheme including;
- Submitting monthly GP1 reports
- Processing requests for pension benefit estimates, AW8s and RF12sa
Check out our dedicated GP Payroll website here