Written on 01 Apr 2019 by Paul Chappell

Millennials are a growing and influential section in today’s workforce. Defined as people born between 1981 and 1996, this group of high-earning 20 to 30 somethings are tech-savvy…

Written on 09 Oct 2012 by Paul Chappell

The taxman has more than doubled the number of IR35 investigations in the past 12 months and increased the yield from IR35 cases (Personal Service Companies) by five times in a…

Written on 15 Sep 2012 by Dataplan

More and more UK based companies are outsourcing part of their payroll process to call centres overseas in an effort to reduce costs. We've come across centres in countries…

Written on 27 Apr 2012 by Richard Rowell

Last year HMRC received a wave of negative publicity from the business community over their treatment of penalities over the issuing of penalities for late P35's and were accused…

Written on 30 Mar 2012 by Richard Rowell

Call me simple but I was always taught that there are 52 weeks in a year. Well that isn't technically true in the world of payroll. Did you know that a payroll year can have 52,…

Written on 27 Mar 2012 by Dataplan

With the payroll year end now almost upon us Dataplan have already made a start on the whole year end process for our customers. Over the next 3 or 4 weeks Dataplan customers will…

Written on 04 Feb 2012 by Richard Rowell

Recruitment agency Reed could be liable for a tax bill of more than £150 million after it lost a tribunal appeal over a salary sacrifice scheme for its temporary workers. People…

Written on 24 May 2011 by Richard Rowell

Hurrah, this is a nice idea from the government and we hope they can achieve it. Launched in April members of the public, businesses and community organisations are being invited…

Written on 14 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

Under the new plans more than nine million people working or volunteering with children and vulnerable adults will no longer need to register and be monitored by the state.  The…

Written on 09 Mar 2011 by Richard Rowell

Have you provided any taxable benefits to employees in the year? If you have provided any taxable benefits to employees you are also required to file form P11D(b) by 6 July 2011.…