On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Three years on, we want to highlight what good came from it and how, as a team, Dataplan has…

Dataplan pride itself on investing in its people. Our ethos towards apprenticeships falls very much within that investment. We can build a team of skilled professionals trained…

For those who don’t know, Dataplan Payroll is headquartered in Grimsby. So, although it has teams dotted around the country, the majority of our specialists call this famous…

April is Stress Awareness Month, and this year the theme is community. As stress.org explain, "the pandemic has had a hugely detrimental effect on the nation's mental health and…

In 2021, Dataplan is proud to have been accredited as a Living Wage employer. In our announcement we discussed what the Real Living Wage is, why it is different to National Living…

The world of work and business is constantly evolving, with new more sophisticated technologies and software constantly being developed to drive automation. Just recently we…

The world of payroll may not seem particularly adrenaline pumping to some, but we have certainly heard some payroll horror stories in our time! From the frightful hidden charges…

Every year on the 1st of October we celebrate Lincolnshire Day. At Dataplan we are proud to call the county of Lincolnshire our home, specifically the historic seaport of Grimsby…

It is true that to many people payroll might not seem like the most fun and fast paced industry to be in, but at Dataplan we know the complete opposite to be true. National…

In 2021 we are proud to have been accredited as a Living Wage employer. At Dataplan we believe that for our people to be their very best they have to be given an environment to…