Written on 05 Feb 2016 by Richard Rowell

With a leap year just around the corner there is good news for UK employers though not so good for employees. The extra day in 2016 means an extra unpaid day of input from…

Written on 10 Feb 2012 by Dataplan

As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure your employees are eligible to work in the UK. There are heavy penalties if you fail to complete the necessary checks and if you…

Written on 01 Dec 2011 by Paul Chappell

Employment status - is someone employed or self-employed? This is one of the main areas of uncertainty in the UK tax system and for businesses one of the most expensive areas to…

Written on 04 Oct 2011 by Richard Rowell

George Osbourne has announced two changes that will significantly help emloyers deal with the red tape and costs when facing employment tribunals. Mr Osbourne claims that the…

Written on 20 Nov 2009 by Alison Clynes

Just how difficult is it to operate a Pay As You Earn scheme? You might think that we at Dataplan Payroll, a company that provides payroll outsourcing, have a vested interest in…

Written on 13 Nov 2009 by Alison Clynes

It used to be that everyone worked more or less the same hours. They would typically start at eight or nine in the morning and work through until five or five thirty in the…

Written on 22 Sep 2009 by Richard Rowell

You will have heard on the news today about Baroness Scotland's fine for employing an illegal immigrant but are you sure that you are not employing an illegal migrant in your…

Written on 16 Aug 2008 by Alison Clynes

Even in times of recession it is vital to ensure that your staff are as happy and contented as possible. From a hard hearted business perspective, you don't want the avoidable…