Electronic, or online payslips, have been around for a number of years. Our own ePayslips solution was launched in 2012 and our vision was always for it to be ‘more than just an…
Dataplan Payroll has been partnered up with the lovely people at Systematic Print Management for 25 years and they have provided us with a lot of our branded payslips during that…

Today sees the launch of the new multi-channel payslip solution from Dataplan Payroll. The new service, branded as myepayslips, allows any business, whether they outsource their…

Yes, Dataplan provide their customers with printed payslips and ePayslips. Until now the services has been part of the existing payroll outsourcing service provided to existing…

In final testing the iPhone ePayslips app is nearly with us. Our team of IT and payroll people at Dataplan Payroll have been beavering away to bring you a UK first, an ePayslip…

A few years ago ePayslips were seen as desirable for employees and employers alike but still a long way from reality. However, that future where ePayslips are not only widely…

We've been working on our ePayslips system for over 12 months but I'm delighted to say it went live in July and we are in the process of setting up a number of companies on this…

Our ePayslip service launches this summer. Unlike many e-payslip services which simply email payslips to employees, ours provides much more. Built on the success of our customer…

HMRC has changed the PAYE rules to allow employers to issue an electronic P60 and finally closes off a loophole that was holding up the wider uptake of ePayslips in the UK. For…

I noted with interest this week that the IPP are now pushing HMRC to allow the use of electronic versions of form P60. This would be an enormous boost to the use of E-payslip…