• Written on 13 Apr 2009 by Richard Rowell

    I read with interest Rachel Anderson's article in this months Payroll Professional magazine, where she reviews common causes for complaints against payroll outsourcing firms. In…

  • Written on 08 Apr 2009 by Richard Rowell

    Isn't technology moving on at a rapid pace. Not only can you keep up to date with payroll news and our blogs via the website, RSS feed and newsletter, you can now catch our…

  • Written on 06 Apr 2009 by Stewart Waddell

    After a number of years trying to adopt a less paper approach with HMRC we are finally giving up this week. HMRC issue coding notice changes electronically via their website along…

  • Written on 03 Apr 2009 by Richard Rowell

    Being April time we always pick up a significant number of new clients ready for the start of the new tax year. Unusually, we have hearing a number of negative stories over…

  • Written on 30 Mar 2009 by Richard Rowell

    On a number of occasions this year we have had new clients complaining about the service received from the outgoing provider. When serving due notice to the existing provider a…

  • Written on 04 Mar 2009 by Alison Clynes

    Sadly, for whatever reason, it is sometimes necessary to terminate an employee's employment and in the current economic climate redundancy is a very real issue for many employers…

  • Written on 02 Mar 2009 by Alison Clynes

    Payroll giving is a simple, tax-free charitable giving direct from your pay." Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and…

  • Written on 31 Aug 2008 by Richard Rowell

    Okay, so you think that outsourcing may be a good option for your business. But where do you start. Well the best starting point is to look at why a small business should…

  • Written on 16 Aug 2008 by Alison Clynes

    Even in times of recession it is vital to ensure that your staff are as happy and contented as possible. From a hard hearted business perspective, you don't want the avoidable…