• Written on 19 Jul 2009 by Richard Rowell

    In the earlier days of the Internet security was a major concern for most of us. Our first forays into buying products online were nervy ones, a brave new world with worries over…

  • Written on 18 Jul 2009 by Richard Rowell

    As you probably noticed from Stewart's blog yesterday it seems like HMRC have changed something in their software, probably something minor, but it potentially has a big impact on…

  • Written on 17 Jul 2009 by Stewart Waddell

    Looks like HMRC fantastic new systems are working well. Today's post brings us more delights in the form of P6(t) coding notices which no longer show the company/clients business…

  • Written on 11 Jul 2009 by Richard Rowell

    With software as a service (saas) and cloud computing in very high profile again at the moment, we have been revisiting our Internet strategy. Most businesses now have broadband…

  • Written on 10 Jul 2009 by Alison Clynes

    Payroll is a critical part of any business and few people aside from those that do payroll have any real idea of how involved it really is. Payroll deals with the processing of…

  • Written on 06 Jul 2009 by Richard Rowell

    What exactly does ePayslips mean. I guess it means different things to different people. To some an epayslip is a PDF of a regular payslip delivered electronically. To others…

  • Written on 03 Jul 2009 by Richard Rowell

    As the recession continues to bite across the UK many businesses are looking to cut costs. As a Chartered Certified Accountant I spend a great deal of time with my business…

  • Written on 13 May 2009 by Richard Rowell

    Another 19th May approaches fast and our clients P35's are almost all filed. And we are already starting the planning for the 2009/10 year. What conclusions can we draw for 2008/…

  • Written on 12 May 2009 by Richard Rowell

    A salary sacrifice schemes, put simply, involves employees contractually giving up salary in return for other benefits. The attraction of salary sacrifice schemes comes when those…

  • Written on 04 May 2009 by Richard Rowell

    Increasingly we are noticing a trend where payroll outsourcing providers are providing low rates and then hiding away in the detail the extra charges that you will face. An…