• Written on 14 Dec 2009 by Paul Chappell

    Although this is a grey area it should not automatically be assumed redundancy payments to Directors cannot be made. Employment case law has set the definition for redundancy.…

  • Written on 10 Dec 2009 by Paul Chappell

    On 6 April 2009 HMRC introduced 'benchmark scale rates' for day subsistence payments only. The overriding rule is where a claimant has genuinely allowable travel expenses it is in…

  • Written on 01 Dec 2009 by Alison Clynes

    The BBC's excellent comedy series 'The Thick of It' highlights the way in which the government has become all about communication, and apparently open government. Not only must…

  • Written on 27 Nov 2009 by Paul Chappell

    As many full time students are taken on at this time of the year this is a reminder they may not have to pay income tax on their earnings, if these are below their Personal…

  • Written on 27 Nov 2009 by Stewart Waddell

    Royal Mail postal Strikes have again caused disruption to UK businesses during November. The delays that this cause again causes disruption to payroll outsourcing providers and…

  • Written on 20 Nov 2009 by Alison Clynes

    Just how difficult is it to operate a Pay As You Earn scheme? You might think that we at Dataplan Payroll, a company that provides payroll outsourcing, have a vested interest in…

  • Written on 14 Nov 2009 by Richard Rowell

    70% of 2000 people questioned admitted that they would commit a fraud if they knew that they could get away with it. That was the finding of a 2003 survey by the University of…

  • Written on 13 Nov 2009 by Alison Clynes

    It used to be that everyone worked more or less the same hours. They would typically start at eight or nine in the morning and work through until five or five thirty in the…

  • Written on 27 Oct 2009 by Richard Rowell

    HMRC have just updated and relaunched their extremely useful A to Z of Benefits on their website. This set of guidelines provides advice on the taxation and NI treatment of a wide…

  • Written on 19 Oct 2009 by Richard Rowell

    At this time of year many companies will often (prior to the recession at least) hand out gifts to people they do business with, possibly as a thank you or mark of appreciation.…