• Written on 14 Apr 2010 by Richard Rowell

    You can access your 4 page pdf version of Tax facts for employers 2010-11.pdf. Our Tax Fact cards were a great success last year and we used up our supplies quickly. The Tax Fact…

  • Written on 21 Mar 2010 by Stewart Waddell

    April sees the introduction of a new set of penalties for the late payment of PAYE, NI, CIS deductions and student loan payments. Up until now it has been quite easy and quite…

  • Written on 19 Mar 2010 by Richard Rowell

    HMRC has changed the PAYE rules to allow employers to issue an electronic P60 and finally closes off a loophole that was holding up the wider uptake of ePayslips in the UK. For…

  • Written on 15 Mar 2010 by Richard Rowell

    Tax codes can be confusing. Just what do they mean and how do they work? A tax code will be issued by HMRC for your employees and dictates how much tax you should deduct from your…

  • Written on 08 Mar 2010 by Richard Rowell

    The new tax year is nearly upon us and from 2010/11 year there are two significant changes for higher earnining employees. The first change is the highly publicised new 50% tax…

  • Written on 04 Mar 2010 by Richard Rowell

    As a payroll provider we are often asked what do I do if I hire a student over the holiday period. And with Easter fast approaching we enter a period where mistakes are commonly…

  • Written on 04 Mar 2010 by Richard Rowell

    6th April sees a number of changes for businesses this year and not just the new tax rates for higher paid employees. From April, employers with 250 staff or more are obliged to…

  • Written on 27 Feb 2010 by Paul Chappell

    HMRC have again acknowledged there are problems with incorrect code notifications for 2010/2011. It is recommended that all employees rigorously check notices to ensure they are…

  • Written on 14 Feb 2010 by Richard Rowell

    The interaction between sick leave and paid annual leave is particularly complicated and does not necessarily follow logic from an employers perspective. This has left many…

  • Written on 13 Feb 2010 by Paul Chappell

    HMRC will shortly commence the issue of notices of coding to employers for 2010/2011 on forms P9. As a result of problems encountered in January and February following HMRC's…