• Written on 19 Aug 2010 by Alison Clynes

    In any business, the payroll is an area that must be completed correctly and accurately. This comprises all the records about employee payments and the deductions that have to be…

  • Written on 11 Aug 2010 by Stewart Waddell

    From the 6th to 10th of September we are celebrating National Payroll Week. For the past three years Dataplan Payroll have been delighted to support the Institute of Payroll…

  • Written on 01 Aug 2010 by Alison Clynes

    Whatever the nature of your small business, there are administrative and technical areas that you will discover as you develop your business, in which you may have no desire to…

  • Written on 28 Jul 2010 by Alison Clynes

    The more we have developed as a society, the more complex paying wages has become. Before the Industrial Revolution people generally got paid for what they produced and took to…

  • Written on 22 Jul 2010 by Alison Clynes

    In years gone by every company would have a payroll or wages department specifically set up to deal with all the payroll services. In those days all the wages, the deductions of…

  • Written on 18 Jul 2010 by Alison Clynes

    From April 6th 2010 stricter regulations apply regarding payments from businesses to HM Revenue and Customs, with financial penalties for lateness. This applies to all employers…

  • Written on 16 Jul 2010 by Richard Rowell

    Current work practices in the UK are not working - and the idea of multitasking in the workplace is a myth, according to new findings. So reads an Excellent Article this month in…

  • Written on 15 Jul 2010 by Alison Clynes

    Once again HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has issued reminders to employers that all PAYE payments for their staff must be in on time. Late payments will make the employer liable…

  • Written on 15 Jul 2010 by Richard Rowell

    We've been working on our ePayslips system for over 12 months but I'm delighted to say it went live in July and we are in the process of setting up a number of companies on this…

  • Written on 14 Jul 2010 by Richard Rowell

    We have changed the way we provide our services at Dataplan a great deal over the years and much of that has also helped us be greener as a business, reducing our carbon footprint…