• Written on 20 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

    In final testing the iPhone ePayslips app is nearly with us. Our team of IT and payroll people at Dataplan Payroll have been beavering away to bring you a UK first, an ePayslip…

  • Written on 18 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

    A few years ago ePayslips were seen as desirable for employees and employers alike but still a long way from reality. However, that future where ePayslips are not only widely…

  • Written on 14 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Under the new plans more than nine million people working or volunteering with children and vulnerable adults will no longer need to register and be monitored by the state.  The…

  • Written on 12 Apr 2011 by Stewart Waddell

    Well, we are trying... Here at Dataplan Payroll we are always looking at ways to be kinder to the environment. We have a few new initiatives to tell you about. Reducing paper is…

  • Written on 06 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

    If you haven't heard of it yet the chances are that you will be affected by it soon. RTI or real time information is HMRC's new system for exchanging live information about your…

  • Written on 28 Mar 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Vince Cable, the business secretary in interviews with the BBC has conceded that the 50% tax band was only a temporary measure. Having been an emergency response to the budget…

  • Written on 09 Mar 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Have you provided any taxable benefits to employees in the year? If you have provided any taxable benefits to employees you are also required to file form P11D(b) by 6 July 2011.…

  • Written on 28 Feb 2011 by Richard Rowell

    What if you have no returns to make this year? If you are registered with HMRC for PAYE purposes they will expect you to make a return. If you had employees in previous tax years…

  • Written on 18 Feb 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Can cycle to work schemes really help your business? According to a report by the Cycle to Work Alliance 89% of employers with a cycle to work scheme believe that they are an…

  • Written on 04 Feb 2011 by Richard Rowell

    If you are a higher rate taxpayer, or may become one in 2011/12 there is a last opportunity over the next few weeks to enrol into childcare voucher schemes and maximise your tax…