• Written on 25 Oct 2011 by Richard Rowell

    At a recent employment tribunal it was held that dismissing an employee for uploading relatively minor work based comments onto Facebook was unfair. Law firm Pinsent Masons…

  • Written on 20 Oct 2011 by Richard Rowell

    A recent case in the long line of many regarding employment status has gone before the courts. However, this one addressed the issue of what a contract states versus what actually…

  • Written on 14 Oct 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Faced with a recession many businesses and organisations maintain where possible the customer facing / delivery parts of their business while looking to cut costs elsewhere.…

  • Written on 04 Oct 2011 by Richard Rowell

    George Osbourne has announced two changes that will significantly help emloyers deal with the red tape and costs when facing employment tribunals. Mr Osbourne claims that the…

  • Written on 27 Sep 2011 by Richard Rowell

    This one is a pet subject for me but I make no apologies in repeating the theme. A recent study has again highlighted that many businesses are still not aware of the new pension…

  • Written on 23 Sep 2011 by Stewart Waddell

    Over the last year 7 out of 10 UK organisations experienced a data breach, this is up 60% on the previous year. Data protection is a major concern for businesses, especially when…

  • Written on 23 Jun 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Although there has been a deal of publicity we are still surprised that many employers are completely unaware of the pension changes commencing in October 2012. And of those…

  • Written on 29 May 2011 by Richard Rowell

    It may pass many by unnoticed but 30th May is a milestone for employees across the UK. Why? It is Tax Freedom Day! Tax Freedom Day aims to answer a very basic question: 'how much…

  • Written on 24 May 2011 by Richard Rowell

    Hurrah, this is a nice idea from the government and we hope they can achieve it. Launched in April members of the public, businesses and community organisations are being invited…

  • Written on 20 Apr 2011 by Richard Rowell

    The statistics for 2009-10 Employment Tribunals (ET) and Employment Appeal Tribunals (EAT) highlighted a startling fact that the number of employment tribunals accepted rose by 56…