• Written on 24 Jan 2014 by Sam Woods

    This Year will see the Government removing some restrictions to the entitlement of Flexible Working or at least your Employees rights to ask for it. The Government initially…

  • Written on 24 Jan 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    Jemma is joining our new client team having gained a huge amount of experience working in the PET team (Payroll excellence team) at Northgate Arinso and A4E. Relocating to the…

  • Written on 22 Jan 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    2013 was a great year for Dataplan we were named by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals as “Payroll Service provider of the year”. This was one of the key highlights…

  • Written on 21 Jan 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    Over the last month or so I have seen a considerable increase in Outsourced Payroll enquiries from potential customers looking for an alternative provider in the market place due…

  • Written on 20 Jan 2014 by Richard Rowell

    There is no avoiding it, sooner or later it will catch up with you. The best approach to Auto Enrolment is to plan ahead rather than ending up too late and panicking about what to…

  • Written on 15 Jan 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    Are you thinking about changing your Outsourced Payroll provider but worried you will be tied into a long drawn out payroll contract for years? Want to make a move to a new…

  • Written on 12 Jan 2014 by Richard Rowell

    The announcement of the withdrawal of the ELECT PAYE scheme for election payrolls and the requirement to operate normal PAYE and RTI has caught a few people on the hop. The…

  • Written on 05 Jan 2014 by Sam Woods

    Going back into the Office after the Christmas and New Year Break is an emotionally trying time for many. Those resolutions and Christmas Party romances now seem like nominations…

  • Written on 06 Nov 2013 by Stewart Waddell

    Last week saw another spike in enquiries from companies who are telling us they are fed up with substandard payroll service from their current payroll provider Issues often being…

  • Written on 01 Nov 2013 by Richard Rowell

    There has been a lot in the press this week about workplace pensions, costs and transparency of charges.  One question raised that particularly struck a note on a Payroll World…