• Written on 08 Feb 2022 by Rachel Cooke

    This week we celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2022, an annual week-long event that celebrates apprenticeships. At Dataplan, we are committed to 'growing our own, ' which…

  • Written on 25 Jan 2022 by Rachel Cooke

    Deciding to switch your payroll provider or move your current payroll operation to an outsourced provider can be daunting. There are many factors to consider, and one thing worth…

  • Written on 20 Jan 2022 by Jack SImpson

    Gender pay gap reporting requirements form part of UK employers' wide-ranging compliance obligations. Since Spring 2018, thousands of employers with more than 250 employees have…

  • Written on 22 Dec 2021 by Alison Clynes

    We love welcoming new team members to Dataplan. However, it is even better when it is the return of a familiar face, which is why we are so delighted to welcome Lisa Salter into…

  • Written on 22 Dec 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    The calendar year may be drawing to a close, but things never truly wind down in the world of payroll! Over the festive period and into the New Year, there are many things that…

  • Written on 21 Dec 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    Some legislation passes through Parliament, and it generates a lot of noise, however occasionally, changes manage to go mainly under the radar, and only an eagle-eyed few pick…

  • Written on 09 Dec 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    Many of us will have already begun our preparations for the festive period, whether decorating our homes or making a start on the Christmas dinner trimmings. Something that isn't…

  • Written on 06 Dec 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    As we have previously mentioned, Dataplan has long had a strategy of growing our own talent in-house. Our culture and values are based heavily on recruiting the best people,…

  • Written on 15 Nov 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    In 2021, Dataplan is proud to have been accredited as a Living Wage employer. In our announcement we discussed what the Real Living Wage is, why it is different to National Living…

  • Written on 11 Nov 2021 by Rachel Cooke

    The world of work and business is constantly evolving, with new more sophisticated technologies and software constantly being developed to drive automation. Just recently we…