• Written on 23 Jul 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    In short yes! Either by your payroll outsourcing bureau or yourself. BACS are currently sending updates to customers regarding the collection and checking of BACS reports Bacs…

  • Written on 16 Jun 2014 by Alex Hay

    Whether it’s a call abroad, or a lengthy wait in a customer service line when calling a premium rate number, we usually only find out the true cost of these calls once it’s too…

  • Written on 15 May 2014 by Carly Boyd

    As we all know thanks to Theo Paphitis and his “we’re all in” advert, companies up and down the country are going through a massive and universal change; Auto Enrolment. Workplace…

  • Written on 14 May 2014 by Sam Woods

    A debate that doesn’t seem to want to go away and some would argue rightly so. Zero Hour Contracts certainly divide opinion. While some see it as an exploitation of the shrinking…

  • Written on 09 May 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    When considering a change of payroll outsourcing provider each business has their own motives for seeking an alternative, potential business partners who contact us often tell us…

  • Written on 09 May 2014 by Alex Hay

    Now that the dust has settled on what has been Dataplan’s busiest April yet for new customers, it’s time to find out just how well we are doing. Our 2014 Customer Satisfaction…

  • Written on 28 Apr 2014 by Carly Boyd

    In the immediate aftermath of year end many companies worry about their P60’s and getting them out on time can be a stressful business. The deadline for having P60’s in the…

  • Written on 17 Apr 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    Already no strangers to award ceremonies, we are proud to announce Dataplan have been shortlisted for ‘The ABP Business Growth Award’ in the forthcoming Northern Lincolnshire…

  • Written on 17 Apr 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    The payroll year is a funny event this year, no P35s as such to file only a final EPS to submit to HMRC, all seems rather too relaxed for my liking but if this is progress I am…

  • Written on 08 Apr 2014 by Stewart Waddell

    Tax code changes; three words that promise a thought provoking, inspiring, and captivating blog. OK, I exaggerated. However, as one of two certainties in life, it’s certainly…