• Written on 25 Aug 2018 by Jack SImpson

    Dataplan Payroll are proud of our role as part of the HMRC agent community. Unquestionably – we view our relationship with HMRC as one of constructive partnership, to ensure that…

  • Written on 16 Aug 2018 by Chris Rutter

    Traditionally, a successful payroll system was defined as a service that paid employees accurately and on time. Although still true today - the rapid evolution of technology…

  • Written on 25 Jul 2018 by Chris Rutter

    Recruitment agencies offer a personal and flexible service to their clients, so it’s important that they have a payroll solution to match. We act for many recruitment agencies to…

  • Written on 24 Jul 2018 by Jack SImpson

    We are very proud of the success of our ePayslips innovation. The benefits that ePayslips bring are numerous to our partners – they are far more environmentally friendly than…

  • Written on 18 Jul 2018 by Chris Rutter

    It can be a daunting prospect to switch your payroll provider and you will want to consider when would be the best time to make the switch to ensure it is as successful as…

  • Written on 16 Jul 2018 by Chris Rutter

    For many businesses today, it is common to have separate groups of employees that follow the same payroll period but are paid on different pay dates – sometimes businesses may…

  • Written on 07 Jun 2018 by Stewart Waddell

    Dual Approval is crucial online control for many businesses in relation to payroll outsourcing, but many employers don’t know what it is and how it can protect their company…

  • Written on 29 May 2018 by

    Quick Overview Staff information concerning the ePayslips app, where they can get it from and features.

  • Written on 23 May 2018 by Chris Rutter

    The decision to outsource your payroll to a new system and provider has the potential to change your working life. If you make the right call - the rewards will be plentiful: Time…

  • Written on 18 May 2018 by Jack SImpson

    At Dataplan Payroll, we are proud of the strong working relationship that we have with each of our valued customers. Whilst our primary focus is always upon providing our clients…