In a recently released news story published on the Gov.uk website updates to student loans interest rates and payment thresholds have been announced for the tax year 2021/2022.…

Here at Dataplan we are proud to announce that we have been reaccredited for the prestigious CIPP Payroll Assurance Scheme (PAS). To tell you more about the scheme, as well as the…

On days or weeks where you are struggling it can be very hard to break the pattern, and our change of not only routine but way of life as a whole has proven a trigger of anxiety…
The bunting is up, the cake has been cut and we are delighted to celebrate 50 years in payroll this year. We’ve got some great events to celebrate, but how did it all start... At…

Dataplan are a fast-growing company (doubling in size in the last 3 years). To support this rapid growth, we need payroll professionals and realised a number of years ago the…

It’s that time of year again where the media shifts its focus towards scrutinising companies reporting their gender pay gaps. With the reporting deadlines for both public sector…

Information security is important to any organisation that stores, processes, transfers and uses personal information. If this information is lost or corrupted it can have serious…

AI, Machine Learning and Dataplan’s Big Data project. The BBC showed us recently The Joy of AI. A fabulous program showing the history, present day and how Artificial Intelligence…
A huge congratulations to Andrew Groves at Queensbury School from Feversham Education Trust who has just become our 100,000th user to download and sign up to our ePayslips app!…

This week, both BBC News and the CIPP have referenced a study by the University of West England – which has major, potential ramifications for the definition of the working day…